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Upload a File


Upload a File

Quickly send your files to Finesse Porcelain Studio with our easy-to-use file uploader. Simply follow the steps below to submit your case files in an instant.

  1. Drag ‘N Drop: Drag your files from your desktop and drop them into the upload box below.
    Add Files: Click “Add Files”, then select the files from your computer. Click “Open” and the files you’ve selected will appear at the top of the upload box.
  2. Once all your files are in the upload box, enter your contact information. Our team will need your email and name to contact you in case there are any issues with the files you’ve submitted. If you have any helpful comments, please provide them in the optional message area.
  3. After you have filled out the informational form, select “Upload and Send” to send your files to our team.

Your files will be automatically uploaded to Finesse.

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